Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Babulal Gaur on Thursday landed in a controversy with his remarks that no government can ensure rape is prevented and action can be taken only after the act, triggering angry reaction from Congress which said he has no right to continue in office.
"It is a social crime which depends on the man and the woman. It is sometimes right and sometimes wrong. Unless a complaint is filed, nothing happens," he said. The minister went on to amplify that "It is not possible for any government to ensure that rape is not committed. Action can be taken only after the act is done," the Minister told reporters at his residence. He said women should learn judo, karate to defend themselves.
"Unless the person wants, no one can dare touch her. The item numbers in films create a bad environment," he sought to reason. The minister cited the instance of a Hindi movie actress who was kissed on the cheek by a leading Hollywood actor on stage in Delhi in 2007. The actress had seen nothing wrong with it, he said.
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